Full Version: Selling Das Hips shirts... one more time...
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Hey folks...
I'm selling my Hip t-shirt collection. There are 25 shirts, and I'd like to let them go for $150, postage included. Please e-mail me or PM me at:
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:wpghipfan@hotmail.com">wpghipfan@hotmail.com</a><!-- e -->

Here is the list:
Music Without Borders volunteer shirt (white, black lettering, 2001)
Music Without Borders concert shirt (white, bands listed on back with date, 2001)
World Tour long-sleeve, black, 2002 (with orange gorilla on front)
Music at Work album shirt, 2000
Dark blue Hip shirt with orange silhouette of a guy listening to headphones (my favorite shirt)
TATH world tour shirt (black with album cover on front, entire city list of dates on back)
Tales from the Hip
"Havin' a Whale of a Time" St. John's, Newfoundland, July 28 and 29, 1995
LBU album shirt (black)
1999 Cdn tour chirt (black with green gargoyle on front, cities on back)
TATH US tour shirt (album on front, cities on back, black)
M@W world tour (light light blue)
Road Apples album shirt
Evening With... world tour shirt, black, 2002
THC (The Hip Club) black, only available through THC website
PP album cover shirt, white
FC benefit shirt from Richardson Stadium, sept 2/93 (super-rare)(FC album cover on front)
The Great Canadian Party, july 1st, 1992 (black, all bands listed, incl. Hip)
PP world tour t-shirt (black, PP cover on front, cities on back)
Wourld Tour 1994-95 (purple, cool design on front, all cities on back)
ARA 97 (list of bands on front, dates on back, cool shirt!)
ARA 95 (bands on front, dates on back)
Fort Henry August 29, 1991 (ultra-rare benefit concert t-shirt, Hip and Blue Rodeo)
1996 Cdn tour t-shirt, white, cities on back, circular "THE HIP" logo on front)
Rare 1998 beige shirt, released with PP album, cool design, hard to describe


Halifax :thumb: