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'Macho Man' Savage Cuts Rap LP, Tells Hulk Hogan To Be A Man

MTV Link

Sample (Realplayer Needed..)
Go Macho! Go Macho!

Its quite funny, and the CD is coming out on my birthday. Oh the joy....

In Wrestling World, Randy Savage is BETTER than Hulk Hogan in Wrestling Talent and all..

-KempAY! :thumb:
"DIG IT!" Said with a taped up stubby pinky finger sticking out. Hehe

I still have my purple Macho Man goggles T-shirt from the 80's.

My favourite MachoMan quote:
"I can't sing and I can't dance but I can make romance..yyeeeeah!"

A rap cd. Too bad he doesn't still wrestle, he was a great entertainer in the business!
