ashtrayrock Wrote:good on trudeau if he wants to show up. he's way more than welcome than any other prime minister i can think of, ever
Certainly agree with you there. FAR more welcome at a hip show (Or anywhere in Canada) than any other pm ever has been or will be.
Didn't intend to bring up politics, and please don't confuse my nightmare with me being pro-Harper. Equal disdain for any conservative politician that snatches up Kingston seats! Simply thought my nightmare was funny because, selfishly, I don't want to see :
A) anything that takes ticket(s) out of the Kingston availability pool. True fans deserve to be there.
B) public servants on the clock taking seats out of aforementioned ticket pool to photo op or babysit. That's twice as bad.
C) Any of CBCs biased JT ball washing during what should be a celebration of THE HIP! Regardless of what end of the political spectrum you stand on, the blatant lack of objectivity from our publicly funded broadcaster should be painfully obvious. If Justin is in kingston, they would show him on the broadcast dozens of times and the media would circulate so much post-show clickbait "journalism." This event is so much bigger than any politician or agenda.
ashtrayrock Wrote:wouldn't be surprised if the good guy in office right now smoked pot in his twenties and listened to the hip. i wouldn't be surprised at all ! unlike the old crusty guy who got the BIG BOOT
Where would you get the insane idea that a trust fund baby smoked pot in his 20s? Now that I REFUSE to believe!
paulster2626 Wrote:I always thought if you're the leader of a country you should be able to check out events that you like. Castro, Chavez, Harper, Trudeau - it's all good. But you can only get an A seat, not AAA 'cause that's just rude.
I feel that there is plenty of time for that once you retire from public office. Good policy & The optics of working to improve the country you lead should be enough to get elected instead of hobnobbing at every possible photo-op. Not to
mention how unfair overindulgence is when taxpayers are picking up the bill. Just my $0.02. We can agree on the bad things about Harper, and Politicans taking AAA tickets is rude.
If you guys are going to be in kingston - Id offer to buy you two local craft beers if Justin doesn't show up, and you buy me one if he does ? :mrgreen:
Lets put the "politics" discussion I accidentally started to bed, hope that justin limits his attendance to the OTTAWA show and get back to talkin HIP! I'll never post a weird hip related dream again I promise.
NWOntario Wrote:I also feel as though there'll be people camping out...I dunno, by Wednesday?
Wednesday? You think people who aren't homeless will camp out 60+ hours for a show that is likely to last 2, maybe 3? That would be insanity.