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2016-08-20 - Kingston, Ontario

note_ i didn't bring up politics here BUT...

i'm just glad fucking steve harper got what he deserved in the end. FIRED BIG TIME. the people said enough was enough. that guy did so much damage to this country he should be burned at the stake

sophie cruised into the ottawa franti show no security detail needed at all but i realize she's not the prime minister as well.

good on trudeau if he wants to show up. he's way more than welcome than any other prime minister i can think of, ever.

i wouldn't be surprised if the good guy in office right now smoked pot in his twenties and listened to the hip. i wouldn't be surprised at all ! unlike the old crusty guy who got the BIG BOOT

I always thought if you're the leader of a country you should be able to check out events that you like. Castro, Chavez, Harper, Trudeau - it's all good. But you can only get an A seat, not AAA 'cause that's just rude.

Harper actually showed up to the McCartney show in Ottawa in 2013...I had no idea he was even there until a year or two after. He sat in a box, so didn't take up any seats, nor did I notice any particular change in security. (Although they did take a while to open the doors at the CTC, but allegedly that was more to do with Macca needing a longer soundcheck with the pipe band he brought in for Mull of Kintyre.)

Not a big fan of crazy ol' Steve, but just in the interest of fairness...

Don't think I've ever had such a queasy, excited feeling for a live event ever. Like someone else wrote, I want the next four days to go by quickly, but I can't bear the thought of how fast the concert will go by. I saw them twice in Toronto, and as much as I tried not to, I found my brain checking in multiple times and thinking "only X songs to go...".

I "won" a seat in a charity auction, so I'll be sitting in the K-Rock radio station box. Wish I was in the first row on the floor, but I feel fortunate to be in the building.

Fabs1978 Wrote:Don't think I've ever had such a queasy, excited feeling for a live event ever.

Yeah, I'm seeing Ottawa and Kingston. Ottawa's my dress rehearsal for how much tissue I need to bring.

edgoffin Wrote:
Fabs1978 Wrote:Don't think I've ever had such a queasy, excited feeling for a live event ever.

Yeah, I'm seeing Ottawa and Kingston. Ottawa's my dress rehearsal for how much tissue I need to bring.

On the way to Hamilton now. I went to all the Toronto shows and was completely unemotional. I'm feeling a little moreso now. It's just going to get worse from here on in.

Across The Causeway '04 | Big Music Fest '08 | Kingston '09 | Bobcaygeon '11 | Cobourg '13 | Bluesfest '13 | Danforth Music Hall '15 | Kingston '15 | Bluesfest '15 | Toronto I '16 | Toronto II '16 | Toronto III '16 | Hamilton '16 | Ottawa '16 | Kingston '16

carebread Wrote:
edgoffin Wrote:
Fabs1978 Wrote:Don't think I've ever had such a queasy, excited feeling for a live event ever.

Yeah, I'm seeing Ottawa and Kingston. Ottawa's my dress rehearsal for how much tissue I need to bring.

On the way to Hamilton now. I went to all the Toronto shows and was completely unemotional. I'm feeling a little moreso now. It's just going to get worse from here on in.

I didn't get emotional (well, apart from "fuck yeah!!") at Friday's Toronto show, but chalked that up to (a) the fact that I had Sunday tickets so it wasn't my last show; (b) the sense that the band wasn't saying hello or goodbye to Toronto (for the last time ...), but right in the middle of their three-night residency; and © I was there with my wife, my brother, and my son and didn't think they really needed to see a 40-year-old man transformed into a puddle of goo, given (a) and (b).

I figured Toronto3 would be much more emotional for me, especially because I was going solo and free to wallow in my own feelings -- remembering the kid who used to listen to Day for Night endlessly in his parents' basement as it molded his clay for the world. And, no offence carebread, it was the reason that I didn't say anything to you until moments before the concert started when people started comparing Kingston ticket prices. I really felt like I just needed to be alone and didn't want to strike up a conversation with a stranger. Especially if there was a chance that the stranger was like me and also just wanted to be alone with her band and her clay-molding memories.

But for good or ill, the moment never came. There was wistfulness in Scared. There was a little more in Long Time Running. There was almost a lot more in Grace Too when I thought maybe Gord's emotion was too over the top not to be genuine (or was being used as a mask for his genuineness). But in the end there was just cheering myself hoarse. I said in another post that there's a dam waiting to burst. I don't know if it will. I will be in Cleveland being an indie smash on Saturday, at a Jays game, and not in front of the late-breaking story on the CBC. I will PVR the National Celebration and watch it sometime dark on Sunday evening, probably alone, maybe with tears streaming down my face, but maybe just saying "fuck yeah!" to another hero-incredible performance from my band.

Apart from two or three people in my life who kinda understand, this is the only place where I am comfortable unzipping the motorcycle jacket I usually wear around my heart when I talk and think about Gord and The Hip. And so maybe these posts are the emotion I get to feel for the Man Machine Poem tour, maybe this is the damn bursting dam. I wish you Hammers, Ottawans, and Kingston-folk everything you want and need from these next three shows.


ashtrayrock Wrote:good on trudeau if he wants to show up. he's way more than welcome than any other prime minister i can think of, ever

Certainly agree with you there. FAR more welcome at a hip show (Or anywhere in Canada) than any other pm ever has been or will be.

Didn't intend to bring up politics, and please don't confuse my nightmare with me being pro-Harper. Equal disdain for any conservative politician that snatches up Kingston seats! Simply thought my nightmare was funny because, selfishly, I don't want to see :
A) anything that takes ticket(s) out of the Kingston availability pool. True fans deserve to be there.
B) public servants on the clock taking seats out of aforementioned ticket pool to photo op or babysit. That's twice as bad.
C) Any of CBCs biased JT ball washing during what should be a celebration of THE HIP! Regardless of what end of the political spectrum you stand on, the blatant lack of objectivity from our publicly funded broadcaster should be painfully obvious. If Justin is in kingston, they would show him on the broadcast dozens of times and the media would circulate so much post-show clickbait "journalism." This event is so much bigger than any politician or agenda.

ashtrayrock Wrote:wouldn't be surprised if the good guy in office right now smoked pot in his twenties and listened to the hip. i wouldn't be surprised at all ! unlike the old crusty guy who got the BIG BOOT

Where would you get the insane idea that a trust fund baby smoked pot in his 20s? Now that I REFUSE to believe!

paulster2626 Wrote:I always thought if you're the leader of a country you should be able to check out events that you like. Castro, Chavez, Harper, Trudeau - it's all good. But you can only get an A seat, not AAA 'cause that's just rude.

I feel that there is plenty of time for that once you retire from public office. Good policy & The optics of working to improve the country you lead should be enough to get elected instead of hobnobbing at every possible photo-op. Not to
mention how unfair overindulgence is when taxpayers are picking up the bill. Just my $0.02. We can agree on the bad things about Harper, and Politicans taking AAA tickets is rude.

If you guys are going to be in kingston - Id offer to buy you two local craft beers if Justin doesn't show up, and you buy me one if he does ? :mrgreen:

Lets put the "politics" discussion I accidentally started to bed, hope that justin limits his attendance to the OTTAWA show and get back to talkin HIP! I'll never post a weird hip related dream again I promise.

NWOntario Wrote:I also feel as though there'll be people camping out...I dunno, by Wednesday?

Wednesday? You think people who aren't homeless will camp out 60+ hours for a show that is likely to last 2, maybe 3? That would be insanity.

CBC link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

This is a long shot,
but is anybody heading to New Brunswick after the show and willing to cut down on gas costs by doing a ride-share? I'm asking for the my best friend who is the sweetest, friendliest and hippest gal that I know.

2004-12-03 - Saint John/2005-09-03 - Moncton/2006-06-30 - Charlottetown/2006-11-09/10 - Montreal/2007-09-11 - Fredericton/2007-09-13 - Halifax/2007-09-14 - Sydney/2007-09-15 - Charlottetown/2008-06-30 - Charlottetown/2009-05-01/02 - Montreal/2011-06-28 - Moncton/2011-06-30 - Charlottetown/2012-06-30 - Niagara-on-the-Lake/2013-02-01 - Moncton/2013-02-02 - Halifax/2015-01-10 - Toronto/2015-02-20 - Montreal/2015-07-17 - Ottawa/2016-08-18 - Ottawa/2016-08-20 - Kingston

carebread Wrote:
edgoffin Wrote:
Fabs1978 Wrote:Don't think I've ever had such a queasy, excited feeling for a live event ever.

Yeah, I'm seeing Ottawa and Kingston. Ottawa's my dress rehearsal for how much tissue I need to bring.

On the way to Hamilton now. I went to all the Toronto shows and was completely unemotional. I'm feeling a little moreso now. It's just going to get worse from here on in.

Yo Carebread, can you give me a shout? Hoping to sort out these tickets - really want to get into this show Smile

Just received the final event sheet from Ticketmaster. No additional tickets are available at all. It's lottery or nothing, guys.

Across The Causeway '04 | Big Music Fest '08 | Kingston '09 | Bobcaygeon '11 | Cobourg '13 | Bluesfest '13 | Danforth Music Hall '15 | Kingston '15 | Bluesfest '15 | Toronto I '16 | Toronto II '16 | Toronto III '16 | Hamilton '16 | Ottawa '16 | Kingston '16

carebread Wrote:Just received the final event sheet from Ticketmaster. No additional tickets are available at all. It's lottery or nothing, guys.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ngston-on/</a><!-- m -->

*** Please note ticket holders are encouraged to enter the building as early as possible. The first 2,000 fans scanned into the venue will receive a commemorative Man Machine Poem Tour poster courtesy of The Tragically Hip. ***

The Tragically Hip concert at the Rogers K-Rock Centre is completely sold out and there will be NO ADDITIONAL TICKETS released for this show at the box office or online through Ticketmaster.

"We're forced to bed, but we're free to dream"

Tthip Wrote:
carebread Wrote:Just received the final event sheet from Ticketmaster. No additional tickets are available at all. It's lottery or nothing, guys.
*** Please note ticket holders are encouraged to enter the building as early as possible. The first 2,000 fans scanned into the venue will receive a commemorative Man Machine Poem Tour poster courtesy of The Tragically Hip. ***

The Tragically Hip concert at the Rogers K-Rock Centre is completely sold out and there will be NO ADDITIONAL TICKETS released for this show at the box office or online through Ticketmaster, except for Sean Bonner.

Oh yay!

2004-12-03 - Saint John/2005-09-03 - Moncton/2006-06-30 - Charlottetown/2006-11-09/10 - Montreal/2007-09-11 - Fredericton/2007-09-13 - Halifax/2007-09-14 - Sydney/2007-09-15 - Charlottetown/2008-06-30 - Charlottetown/2009-05-01/02 - Montreal/2011-06-28 - Moncton/2011-06-30 - Charlottetown/2012-06-30 - Niagara-on-the-Lake/2013-02-01 - Moncton/2013-02-02 - Halifax/2015-01-10 - Toronto/2015-02-20 - Montreal/2015-07-17 - Ottawa/2016-08-18 - Ottawa/2016-08-20 - Kingston

It's lottery or bust now, I guess.

Good luck, hipbasers.

1995-02-10 Toronto; 1996-12-12 Toronto; 1998-07-04 Hamilton; 1999-02-22 Toronto; 2000-06-24 Toronto; 2000-12-06 Ottawa; 2002-08-02 Toronto; 2004-10-23 Ottawa; 2007-01-31 Oshawa; 2007-02-02 Ottawa; 2011-07-01 Toronto; 2012-02-09 Oshawa; 2015-02-19 Toronto; 2015-04-15 Oshawa; 2016-08-18 Ottawa

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