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2016-08-12 - Toronto, Ontario

My first tour was IVL - love Good Life

Damn! I really wanted IVL at Toronto 1 or 3. Figured that they'd play it at the show I'm not at ...

Kitchener 4/27/09
Kitchener 4/29/09
Toronto 2/14/13

BeerBaron Wrote:Damn! I really wanted IVL at Toronto 1 or 3. Figured that they'd play it at the show I'm not at ...

Yup, same here, downer as soon as I heard the start of Dire Wolf. Think I'm going to stop following this set list to keep it more of a surprise for Sunday!

gord sounds great on Throwing Off Glass

I know Im losing you, I know what that means

The casual fan would be lost @ this show right now

Grace will bring them back though :music

Great set

If I could pick 2 songs never to hear live from this band I would pick this and New Orleans Is Sinking. Just heard them so many times. Like with Pearl Jam, I could go without ever hearing Even Flow live again. That's the beauty of the Hip though. Such a large catalog of music that there is something for everyones taste.





Greasy Jungle!

I adore Throwing Off Glass

Man, would've killed for this setlist Sunday night when I'll be there... still happy to enjoy it now

I don't know if it's this periscope feed's audio or what but if he sounds anything like this on CBC's HD broadcast I think Canada is going to be blown away. Scared is spine-tingling

"It's been a pleasure doing business with you" is the most heart-wrenching lyric of this whole tour

Been watching the whole thing.

Surprised by no Nautical all tour, then back to back?

2004-12-03 - Saint John/2005-09-03 - Moncton/2006-06-30 - Charlottetown/2006-11-09/10 - Montreal/2007-09-11 - Fredericton/2007-09-13 - Halifax/2007-09-14 - Sydney/2007-09-15 - Charlottetown/2008-06-30 - Charlottetown/2009-05-01/02 - Montreal/2011-06-28 - Moncton/2011-06-30 - Charlottetown/2012-06-30 - Niagara-on-the-Lake/2013-02-01 - Moncton/2013-02-02 - Halifax/2015-01-10 - Toronto/2015-02-20 - Montreal/2015-07-17 - Ottawa/2016-08-18 - Ottawa/2016-08-20 - Kingston

Gord sounded like he was tearing up a couple times singing Scared. Making me feel the feels, thanks for the stream Juan.

07/17/95 Craven, SK
11/18/96 Saskatoon, SK
03/02/99 Regina, SK
11/28/00 Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB
09/21/02 Vernon Multiplex, Vernon, BC
11/20/04 Sask Place, Saskatoon, SK
05/27/06 Gorge Amphitheatre, George, WA
01/19/07 Brandt Centre, Regina, SK
07/18/07 Bessborough Hotel, Saskatoon, SK
07/07/11 Shaw Park, Winnipeg, MB
01/25/13 Brandt Centre, Regina, SK
07/09/13 Spectra Place, Estevan, SK
09/06/13 Mosaic Place, Moose Jaw, SK
01/10/15 Toronto, ON
07/26/16 Vancouver, BC

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