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missing ya Rory
Heh, this is a funny discussion. I guess hoarding and leet tapers that never share are common misconceptions in all music communities. I came from the Smashing Pumpkins trading community where there were quite a few jealous people; including me that wished we could get some 'leet' material. Well the only way around this problem is two solutions. One is to wait, because these things do get released. For example the holy grail of the Smashing Pumpkins community (Mashed Potatoes) was finally released after three years. The other solution, the better and proactive one, is to tape your self. I finally decided to get a Minidisc recorder for about $250 and my microphones I made from scratch came out to about $50 for parts. I probably spent another $50 on educating myself and wasted material on the project.

The reason why I tape concerts now is because I'm getting a little hard of hearing and whenever I go to concerts the sound sounds like shit. I use earplugs and I find after I tape, the sound is so much better. I don't mind sharing my concerts, all you have to do is ask. As well if I don’t get back to you please don’t take it personally. I don’t have the time to burn a show for everybody because taping is not my life and not a high priority. My only main concern is seeing my show that I taped up on eBay. As well I prefer that the show not be converted into MP3 too.

So how do we get shows to be distributed quicker and faster? I don't think it's because a taper is a leet hoarding whore. The problem lies in with the time, effort and education. I'm very brand spanking new to the Hip community so I have no idea how many people know the Hip is taper friendly or understand the ins and outs of trading. The Smashing Pumpkins community had about five to ten really knowledgeable people who spent a lot of time and effort educating average people like me on how to trade and tape shows. If you have the guts and patience to lead the community in educating people on how to tape, trade and distribute shows please do so. Stop whining about it. If you are not happy with the current situation do something about it.

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